Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation
Despite diminished importance, the sugar cane sector remains significant in agriculture and in the agri-food industry in Guadeloupe.
The French landscape changes between 1992 and 2002 : more artificial and less open because of urban sprawl and the loss of fondness for agricultural zones.
Disappointing harvests, lower prices : 2005 is difficult for the crop sector
The income that non-salaried farmers draw from their activity varies greatly.
Because of technical progress and the increasing internationalisation of certain markets, production prices of the main farm products continue to fall in constant euros.
The number of farms organised as business firms continues to progress. With 130,000 units in 2005, these farms account for 40% of professional farms.
Average prices for milk paid to producers in 2000 and 2004 fell, whether or not milk is the main production of the farm. The factors analysed in this study include the size of the farms, the region and the presence of quality labels.
Because of increasing peri-urban sprawl, agricultural production systems must today be analysed according to the location of the farm : they are influenced by both the size of neighbouring urban areas and the farm’s distance from them.
Over the last 50 years, agriculture has played a smaller and smaller role in the national economy although its performance in terms of productivity is comparable to those of other sectors.
In 2005, slightly fewer than one professional farm out of two employs non-family staff, either on a permanent or seasonal basis.
Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation